Zoom House Buyer Offers You 2 Unique GUARANTEES that no other company can match. 100% HASSLE-FREE & SATISFACTION GUARANTEE!
Zoom House Buyer is dedicated to providing you with revolutionary service that is professional, courteous and responsive in helping you buy your house on your terms. To fulfill this commitment, we agree to provide you with the following services:
1. Dedicate ourselves to making the process of buying your house as easy, convenient and stress-free as possible.
2. Respect you and your needs and be honest and forthright.
3. Maintain your confidentiality in the highest regard.
4. Consult with you to determine your particular needs and situation.
5. Value and respect your time.
6. We always buy in “as-is” condition, you don’t have to spend any time or money to do repairs, maintenance or renovating.
7. We have 100% Closing Rate, if we make you an offer, you can consider it a GUARANTEED done deal. If we don’t close on the date specified, we pay you an extra $5000 CASH.
8. Start making plans today and move on with your life, we will give you a cash offer without any bank financing approval.
9. Peace of Mind knowing exact outcome – you will know exactly what you will Net in your pocket and and we will buy on your timeframe (you choose closing date).
10. We handle all the paperwork and coordination with lawyers for successful closing.
11.Provide you with information regarding other professionals (e.g. movers, cleaners, lawyers).
12. We take on the burden to restore the property and fix it up by doing repairs and maintenance, pay closing costs, interest on the money, carrying costs like taxes, insurance, utilities and wait 6 months or more to sell it or rent it if market slows down.
13. No Showing your property to strangers, No pushy Sales Agents or empty promises to worry about, No large hidden fees or commissions to pay. Realtors cannot guarantee in writing when it will sell and for how much.
Customizable options & solutions for every situation.
1. Flexible Closing
Quick Close – As fast as 2-3 weeks
Typical Close – 45 – 60 or 90 days
Long Close – 3 – 6 – 8 months
You choose when you want to say goodbye to your stressful situation of selling your house.
2. Rent Back
If you the Seller needs the money ASAP, but can’t move out for a few months. We buy the property and close on it, and you the seller rents it back from us for a few weeks or months. Short Term Occupancy Agreement to be signed.
3. Short Term Cash /Loan
We can provide cash on a short term basis to help you with moving expenses, First and Last Month Rent, or for any personal reasons.
4. Seller can leave anything they want.
Some people dread giving away/ throwing away big items like couches. Working with us allows you to leave whatever you want, no cleaning necessary, no hassles GUARANTEED.
5. We Buy As-Is Condition
You do not have to spend a penny fixing up the property, doing any kind of repairs or maintenance on the property. Keep your money as we do all the work.
6. Home Inspection Peace of Mind
We will not renegotiate the price after doing a home inspection. In a typical real estate transaction, it is common to reduce the price if there are certain items found after the home inspection. This is a strategy most buyers use to reduce the price.
7. Fast, Efficient, Easy & Friendly Personalized Service
We take great pride in helping people and making sure all the details are taken care off. Selling a house and moving can be very stressful, we want to make the process 100% Hassle-Free for you.
8. Peace Of Mind
By working with us, there is no hoping or wondering if your house will sell, what it will sell for, how long will it take to get it sold, and most importantly what is the NET amount you will end up with. With us, it is a GUARANTEED SALE with ONE OFFER. You will literally never have to leave your couch to get your house sold.
9. No Pressure or Pestering
We work on your schedule. From offer paperwork to coordinating with lawyers, we handle everything. You can get independent legal advice anytime you are not feeling certain about anything.
10. Saving You Money Multiple Ways
There are ZERO commissions or fees to pay, no holding costs, no repairs or maintenance costs, and no stress about the sale of your home. Real Estate Agents Charge you a commission to sell your property with NO GUARANTEE that they can sell your home. They can’t even guarantee how much your property will sell for or how many months it will take COSTING you Thousands in Interest. Average Commission paid to a Real Estate Agent is 5% + HST which is thousands of dollars to put a lawn sign. Hiring a professional contractor to do repairs and maintenance can cost you thousands not factoring the time and hassle involved.